BBQ- Charcoal -vs- Propane. Which do you prefer.?!
Answers: I like both , but prefer charcoal for reaons im not sure of.
it all depends on that im making and what else is going on besides the BBQ. If im grilling i use propane if im BBQ'n i use charcoal/ wood
i like bbq
I do my ribs on charcoal only ,but everything else I cook over propane.
Propane is easier and doesn't require as much work, but I have to say there is no beating the taste of bbq cooked over charcoal, especially if you had mesquite. :-)
Charcoal is worth the time and effort, the flavor is better plus it is more fun and all you need is a small grill with a cover.
Charcoal is much better. It adds a lot more flavor to whatever you cook, it does not matter. And you don't need some fancy pants grill either. Plus if you add different woods chips to it you can get an even better flavor, like hickory or apple. Also, with charcoal, you are cooking with hot coals instead of a flame so you have less a chance of burning it.