What does duck taste like please?!
never had it before and lied and said i love it because i like the guy who is cooking it
Answers: long story cut short bascally i have been invited to a friends house and duck is on the menu
never had it before and lied and said i love it because i like the guy who is cooking it
Duck is more greasy and tastes "gamier" than chicken.
It is essentially all dark meat so... if you like the chicken thighs you will like duck.
If cooked correctly, it won't be dry.
I eat duck breast all the time and I find it excellent.
you quackers
lot like chicken just a bit more chewing needed
It's yummy.
i dno duck ?
tastes like duck !!!!!!!!!!
Imagine turkey-leg.... it's darker than that, fattier than that, greasier than that and you will LOVE it. The skin is the best part, but by cracky, the whole thing is great. If a sheep had feathers, it'd be a duck.
it's as if a chicken and a really delicious cow got together and had a little baby. it's fantastic if made well, if not, chewy and greasy. good luck with the cutie!
It's dark and greasy. ICK!
Like gamey chicken with richer juices. It's good. You shouldn't have lied though - why not just tell him you hadn't had it before? No shame.
Never tried it, and dont fancy doing so. Been told its a greasy meat, but then again, my daughter loves it, dont know where she 1st got to try it as it was never served at home.
it is not too bad all dark and kind of greasy
we had duck last xmas and it tasted like beef .cook it in the oven with streakey bacon round it and cook it untill its well done You will enjoy it .
its very very nice!!
i never had it but it prob. tastes like the dead rotten corpse of a once living thing!!!
Its like chicken, but only better.ever eat asian food?
Most of these people are right. It is "gamier" than chicken. Like a gamey chicken thigh but a little chewy and greasier. Duck is pretty fatty.
I have no problem with duck but most people I know don't like it. As a guy, you aren't going to impress a guy by telling him you like duck. He probably doesn't care whether you like it or not. In fact, you probably would impress him more by saying you never tried it but are willing to.
You have not really lied, you will love it!
It's like most people have been saying Darker Than Turkey leg & with more flavour, depends on how it's being cooked but the skin should be crispy & the meat should be moist.