Would you notice the difference if someone put goose on your plate?!

Question: rather than turkey, this Christmas?

Answers: rather than turkey, this Christmas?

Most definitely. Goose is a greasier (not necessarily in a bad way) meat.

Yes, I would, and if I was too drunk to notice I would definately know when I tasted it! lol

Probably i know turkey is dry and i think goose is a bit greesy..

i probably would but i dont think i would care because ill eat just about anything

are you planning this?
lol you shouldnt lie to people

yeah you would notice. It looks and tastes like chicken to me. but I have never seen a whole goose just cut up on things.

YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EWWWWW

probably not until it was too late

I certainly would.

Geese go "HISSSSSSS"
Turkey's go "Gobble Gobble"

No one knows why - they just do.
Unless one of them is a ventriloquist

Yes because i do not eat dinosaur at all !....No duck...no chicken...no turkey....no poultry or game bird or any descendants of dinosaur........scales/feathers...same..... may live or die by what you eat,but i prefer red meat !

I would notice because goose meat had funny little bones and is softer and richer than turkey. But goose meat is alright. I'd eat it again.

depends if it was alive or not. But goose is much nicer than turkey and was a more tradional Christmas dish than turkey here in the uk maybe 60 odd years ago.

Massively, Goose is a heavier, darker meat with a stronger and slightly gamey flavour. It looks different before its carved too- not so plump. Very nice but a bit more like a red meat that 'fluffy' turkey breast.

Only if someone hollered "hey, this tastes like chicken.

Darker meat, generally and more moist, tender. Goose is VERY VERY delicious, and tukey can definitely be overcooked more easily....The darker meat on a turkey is usually tougher & sinewy, generally speaking.

I'm so glad someone actually asked this. My boyfriends mother made turkey and goose one year for Christmas for all of us. Right after I had both without evening realizing it I told her I don't like duck. She laughed. I only said I did not like it because I did not want to eat it. So the answer to your question from me personally is no.

Geese and ducks fly which uses more muscles in the breast area....since the muscles are used more they have more blood flowing through them...which makes the meat darker. That's why on a chicken or turkey...the dark meat is on the leg...because they only walk.

Plus goose meat is pretty greasy

Since I am a vegetarian YES LOL

Yes...the shape is different for one thing and a turkey is rather dry while a goose is quite greasy.

Yes, but it does make a lovely change - a much more greasy meat [but great for the gravy], a stronger 'gamey' taste but tends to have much more flavour than turkey - Be warned it does not go as far as a turkey would in terms of servings.

Goose is more fatty. Tasty though

Yes I would, different flavour, texture & colour. I haven't made one for many years. I wouldn't object because I quite like it. More popular in the UK than North America. The Christmas Goose!
If you are interested I cook my goose by first par boiling it and then put in the roasting pan breast side up then pour 2 cups of water over it and cover and cook in a slow oven 325F for 25-30 minutes per lb. Pierce all around the legs and wings with a fork to allow the fat out and remove the cover for the last 15 minutes to allow the exterior to brown.

of course goose is a dark meat and is very moist (or greasy if not cooked right) and turkey is a white meat ofetn dry, I always have goose at christmas mmmm

Yes goose can be quite greasy and also I prefer the taste of goose as I find turkey can sometimes be too dry

I don't understand why anybody would want to goose my plate when they could be goosing me.

as a trained cook, yes I would xx unless too drunk to care lol


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