What's the specific food that increases your weight easily?!
Answers: please answer :(..i badly need it..so you could help me to gain weight:)
Eat 3 Bananas 3 times in a day and drink a glass of warm milk after 10 minutes regularly. Your weight will definitely increase within 2 weeks.
This is a very healthy food than the other greasy/fatty foods like chips; sweets; ice cream etc.
Other healthy source is eating nuts like cashews, almonds etc. When eating these nuts, make sure you are drinking lots of water. Too much nuts cause constipation.
Good Luck
Substitute the word "fat" for the word "cream".
Ice cream
Cream in your tea/coffee
Cream cheese
All tonsa' fat.
Chocolate, red meat, chips, pizza, potatoes, cake, ice cream, full english, fried stuff pretty much anything I eat!
potato , cream pastries , chocolates etc