Are you a milk and cookies or G &T girl?!
Answers: milk n cookies
Milk and cookies.
Milk & cookies - can't stand Gin - but put Vodka in it and you have a deal!
im a g & t girl...ginger nuts and tea, cant beat it!!!
G & T although tonight I'm experimenting with Martini - exciting!
Milk and Cookies.
milk and cookies =]
Gin, everytime.
G&T, hopefully that means Gin and Tonic! No milk or cookies. Just gin w/a splash of Tonic!
g and t at weekends and milk and cookies during the week
A lot of G with a splash of T.
Milk and cookies for me.
Hot chocolate and marshmellows :-)
You know you have a odd answer. I don't know how you can vote in this question, so many people asnswered the same thing. Hotchoclate and mashmallows, yummy. Cold chocolate Milk and cookies, good. Warm chocolate brownie, execellent.
Definitely G&T!