How much does two dozen oranges cost today???!
Answers: That depends on where you live, where the oranges come from and what kind of oranges they are and what season of the year you are buying them. They will be cheaper in california and florida where they are grown, cheaper from a fruit stand than a grocery store. And during the winter in northern states they will be more expensive while they are ripe right now where they are grown. During the summer, they would be more expensive as they are imported from other countries. For me they are free as we have some in our own yard.
about 6-7 dollars where im from (ct)
depends on the variety of Oranges
Baby Belles cost more than Valencias
same as 12 apples and 12 grapefruit
I am from MI. In our vegetable market, the variety called Naval Oranges' cost: $1 for 6 oranges. That means for two dozen oranges, the price would be $4.00
(i got 28 trees in my backyard )
About $7.00 here in Connecticut
Navel oranges were on sale today at my local supermarket for $4.59 for 2 doz. They had stacks of them.
I got a good buy last week of 10 lbs small onions for .99 cents. What I don't use up I will cut up & freeze. I'll go through a lot between now and New Year's day.
I'm in AZ, i just tonight paid 3lbs for .99 cents and that was five of them