How much would it cost to get a goat for milking?!
Answers: My wife and kids go through a gallon of milk a day... at $3 or more a gallon, I'm spending easily $100 a month on it. How much would you say it would cost to buy and maintain a goat to eliminate this cost?
A goat would probably cost a couple hundred dollars to purchase, then you have to think about feeding it. That would be hay and maybe some grain. Maybe 10 bucks a week tops. Then you also need to look at the material to build a shelter for it, not sure there.
Then you also need to think about the time you would be investing in its daily feeding, watering, milking, and cleaning up after it goes potty. All good character building activities for the kids!
I am not sure but I think the goat itself will not cost much. Goat's milk is very very good for you though and a lot better than whatever horomone-infested milk you're buying at the grocery store so even if you don't save much $$ I think it's a good investment. Plus it would be a neat experience for your kids to take care of the goat. You can also sell the (goat's) kids or eat them.
Make sure you have a good pen though or you will spend a lot in car repairs as goats LOVE to climb on top of your car.