What makes you angry when your at the grocery store?!
Answers: i get mad when people are in my way-its so annoying.and when they dont move out the way as well.but what annoys you at the grocery store?
hi sis what makes me angry is when people wont move
and there in the way
slooooooowwwww cashiers.
Mine's about the same. Two people (usually women) park their carts in the middle of the aisle and gab. When I politely say "Excuse me" they give me huffs and rude looks. I don't even mind when the stockers are stocking and leave boxes all over, or when someone's in the express lane with 40-some things. But people blocking the aisle and chatting drive me batty.
definitely slow cashiers...its like...they have ALL the TIME in the WOrld...
My new pet peeve is the computerized checkout. If I hear that computer argue with me one more time. Put your item in the bag, take your item out of the bag....But it dont yell at cha if you leave a bag on the turnstyle....
When they are out of my favourite... Strawberry Splash Gushers.
I really get mad that almost everytime they overcharge me for something. I know the price and have to catch them all the time. Why can't they get their scanners to reflect the sales? How much are they robbing the public that doesn't watch? And often I get dirty looks if I turn the monitor (so I can see what they are charging).
When they fail to be considerent of a persons time, from the person sluggish to back out if the parking space,and makes you wait untill he counts money, files his receipts, adjusts the radio, etc., to the person ahead of you in the express line, taking his checkbook out when he is told the amount, instead of having for-thought of filling out the date,stores name,and signiture.
When the people shopping dont have a price tag on their item and it was the last one.IT HOLDS UP THE LINE!
cashiers with attitudes
kids screaming and running around the store in front of your cart as if they werent being watched
when customers in front of me dont pass me down the divider stick
disrespectful people leaving their carts in the middle of the isle and I can't get through
THE LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate standing in line for ever.
when someone in front of me in line rips one and doesn't even say anything
when rude ppl cut in front of me
when there is plenty of room in an aisle and someone is
rudely has their basket in half the aisle and their body in
the rest and they know you are there and they don't move
and give you a dirty look when you politely say excuse me
please. Thats when I wish we could do like the cartoons
and have a huge boxing glove come out of nowhere and
knock their behinds out of the way. :)