Whats your favorite food ever?!
Answers: if you had to live on an island with only one food in the world, what would it be?
I think it would have to be bread.
mac and cheese lol
Ramen. All fourteen flavors. xD
Pizza with everything but anchovies
moms lasagna
Ice Cream!!
My homemade macaroni salad.....
Chinese!! many choices to choose from.
sweet fruits
turkey wraps. Whole wheat tortilla, turkey, lettuce, cheese, and tomato with some ketchup!
Grilled Lobster like how Outback does it
I would say the muskmelon variety called Savor. I grow it every year and protect from the hail. I have also grown watermelons that had an aroma coming from them sort of like a perfume. I only had two watermelons like that tho.