What are rootie-toot-toots and rummy tum tums?!
Answers: my guess, a whistle and rum candy for the tummy? what are rootie toot toots and rummy tum tums??
A rootbeer flavor whistle on a stick, mostly sugar..... and Rum balls that sooth the tummy!!
Those are the results of too much chinese food and alcohol on Christmas Eve. I think Alka Seltzer originated the phrase, and now they get royalties whenever they play Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
I think they are just onomatopoeia for the sounds of kids and toys.
Not food at all.
The line from the song deals with..
"Little tin horns and little toy drums..."
Which make happy noises like...
"rooty toot toot" from the tin horns and
"rummy tum tum" from the toy drums.
What ever gave you the impression that this was about food?
Sounds like the by-line for a 3 Stooge's movie.
Horns and Drums!