Do you read the nutritional facts label before or after consuming the product?!
Answers: no, usually not. I used to last year when I was going through this whole "healthy" phase, but now I rarely ever check.
Before. If I don't like the information, I don't buy the product.
yse! oops! yes! before
Yeah... i check for trans and saturated fat.
Is this a trick question? Before!!!
Before.. Always!
Before. I always check the fat ratio and calories, and check for corn syrup.
Before I buy it as I am at an age where I have to watch how much of certain ingredients I eat.
I don't read it at all, usually. :D
I don't at all thats crazy people that worry about such things have problems,Were all going to die one day so let it be
Before but I try to consume all fresh, whole foods anyway.
Yea I don't eat it if it is not good for me.
Not ordinarily, but I can usually judge how many calories and such is in any given product.
Always before.
If there's 3 words/chemicals on the list that don't sound like a nutritional benefit, then I don't buy the product.
I generally stay with unprocessed foods as much as possible.
BEFORE. I read labels like crazy. I'm especially careful to watch for tans fats and high carb counts. Not to mention the calories!
I read it before BUYING the product. We have a lot of sensitivities in the family so we have to be very careful.
Usually during. It doesn't stop me often, but the next time I eat it I try to remind myself, "Was it worth it the last time?" If it was really good I'll eat the whole box/can/whatever, but if it wasn't that good maybe I'll eat just one, or none at all. I usually just look at the calories, and I don't care unless it's like 500+. Yeah I'm not that healthy...most 17 year olds who aren't diet-obsessed don't care about things like this...
It depends. If i really want ice cream, I am going to eat it and I don't care what the label says!
Usually before. If I don't find it healthy enough, I won't eat it...unless it's a special occasion.
I sometimes look before at the sugar content, sodium and the fat part of the content. In addition, to the the Kcal per serving. I like fresh foods a lot more that bagged foods because most bagged foods have additives, preservatives and other chemically engineered products in them. I try to eat healthy almost all the time.
i usually read it after buying the product.
"Before" ... or if I don't like what it says, then I read it "instead of" consuming the product.
Why do you ask a question like that?
All ways ensure before consumption .
ok i look at the nutritional facts then i opened the bag of potato chips and eat then i look at the facts again and say dang it i shouldnt have oo well ill go excersize
i always always always read it before i buy it along with the ingredients.