Are Aniseed and Liquorice the same thing?!
I'm confused... please help! Thankyou.
Answers: I bought a bag of Fox's Glacier Dark sweets a few weeks ago and it says they are 'Liquorice and Aniseed flavour'. I thought that Liquorice WAS Aniseed flavoured?
I'm confused... please help! Thankyou.
Apparently they are different or at-least from separate origins, however they both seem to do/be used for the same thing.
Aniseed; the seed of anise/dill/part of the parsley family.
Liquorice; a leguminous plant, where the substance liquorice is sourced. GENUS glycyrrhiza; many species.
flavouring in ..... also added to both herbal and conventional medicine as addition and or flavouring.
Probably are for all general purpose the same thing.
Yes Liquorice is the black substance which unless flavoured with anise, will not taste of aniseed.
Big nope... just the spelling alone you can see they are different hihihih ---happy holidays...
They are different things completely !
I think that is what is termed anti aliasing or antistropicing. I went to the super market and bought what I thought were Turnips, but they were in actual fact Parsnips. how I was supposed to know this is anyones guess!?
anise and licorice
I always thought black licorice was like anise. But black licorice has a lot of molasses in it.
They are different (I think). I like aniseed, but I can't eat liquorice.
You've got me confused now........
you would think so since they smell similar.
nope, if you want to try some other sweeties that are seperate flavours buy normal black licorice, and i think it's bassets but they so these hard mints in a paper wrapping and they have an aniseed flavour edition that come in red packaging... they are tasty :)