Are Americans full of lard because of Mc Donalds etc...?!
People are 'fat' because of lack of discipline (mostly)
Answers: No.
People are 'fat' because of lack of discipline (mostly)
thats like all all british say jolly ho....yea right....and british weather is always raining...
No. They are full of lard because no one bothered to teach them proper nutrition. I'm an American and I'm not full of lard. Well, maybe a little in my butt, but who cares? Big butts are sexy!
The problem is that McDonalds is cheap and fast. There have been times where I was traveling and it was either get something at the gas station or eat at McDonalds... I chose McDonalds. But I get the double quarter pounder with cheese and a side salad. Then I take the meat out with some of the cheese on it and chop it up and stick it in the salad. That's not too bad for you. I only do it once a year or so.... McDonalds is pretty nasty. But I'm hypoglycemic, so if I don't get enough protein, I get all sick and act funny.
Are you asking this question because it's redundant? Dear God.
Well first of all, they aren't full of lard; it was rude of you to use that language. Take it back, bub.
As of 2006, about 60% of the American adult population was considered overweight.
Being overweight doesn't mean that a person is "full of lard" as you would put it, but instead are at least 10% over the recommended or desired weight for the age group and gender. When a person is considered obese, they are about 205 or more over the average/ideal weight for their age group.
But even then, it doesn't mean that they are FULL OF LARD. A person could have dense bones, or lots of muscle- muscle is denser than fat.
As for the whole McDonald's theory, that is a part of the problem. Several fast-food joints use fatty ingredients. However, McDonald's is only part of the problem. Advertising from all major fast food corparations target everyone; especially children, taking them as customers from an early age.
If you want to know more, watch "Supersize Me". It's a movie about fast food joints.
And choose your words more carefully next time.
Yes, we eat lard by the pound.
We also live off of the blood of Arab children, and wash it down with some crude oil. And we all read the bible at night because it's better than our constitution.
Run along and tell your friends that. It's what they want to hear, isn't it?
People of ALL nations come in different shapes and sizes. There are various reasons why some are overweight (assuming that's what you mean by “full of lard“); over-eating and lack of exercise are obvious examples but there are many other factors to consider.
There are medical illnesses that increase obesity risk for instance, including congenital syndromes such as hypothyroidism, cushing’s syndrome and growth hormone deficiency. Quitting smoking is a known cause for moderate weight gain as nicotine suppresses appetite. Certain medications (like steroids and some fertility medication) can also cause weight gain.
In addition, mental illnesses may increase obesity risk, specifically some eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and compulsive overeating (also known as food addiction).
To just point at fast-food chains like McDonalds is overly simplistic and stupid.
It’s all very well to sneer at "Obesity Epidemic" articles with studies of BMI scores and the like, but you’re in no position to judge. Obese children, teenagers and adults face a heavy social stigma, with children frequently the targets of bullies and often shunned by their peers. Questions such as this do not help.