Dean and Deluca birthday cakes - are they worth it?!
Answers: My daughter would like a D&D cake for her birthday, and I must say it would be more expensive than any gift on the table! Are they worth it? A hundred bucks for flour and sugar? Please tell me your experiences!
I don't mean to offend you or be snotty....But I am a cake decorator and there is quite a bit that goes into creating a cake. Now I have never heard of the type of cake you are talking about(D&D) or exactly what size/flavor/design your daughter wants...but the cake may just be worth $100....
You have to take into consideration that they may spend all day working on a cake, which means they need to be paid by the hour, just like any other working person, I charge $8.00 for my time, and I'm not a professional, so if a cake takes about 5 hours to bake, create, and decorate and then they charge $12 an hour for their time, thats more then half of the cake cost there.
Cake decorators add in the useage of electricity, wear and tear on their equiptment, among many other things...
A cake is not "just flour and sugar"(sorry, but thats really rude)...depending on what flavor your daughter wants that can make up half the cost right there. I once made a chocolate cake for someone and the Chocolate for the cake and frosting 'alone' cost me $25.....( I needed about 3 pounds of the stuff and the type of chocolate I use cost $7.00 a pound)
You are paying for their (more then likely) HIGH quaility ingredients, their years of expirence and talent, and their time...some decorations for cakes can take all day to make and then a week to dry adn then assemble....
If you aren't willing to dish out $100 for a cake then I would suggest you ask your daughter exactly what kind, flavor, design, and what size of a cake she wants, and then YOU try to make it so you can see that more then "flour and sugar" go into a cake. OR just go to a local bakery and have them make a "generic" lower quality cake for your daughter...
wow, never heard of that kind of cake around here...but 100 bucks for bday cake...geez ....i say go to dairy queen and buy a ice cream the other for wedding day..ha
They're good, but I don't know about worth it. I'm not a huge cake fan and my old company bought D&D cakes for everyone's birthday. I'm sure you would be allowed to sample if you asked. It was tasty but not the best cake I've ever had. Good Luck!
Honey, I know you love your daughter, but like someone else said, save it for her wedding day. Your local bakery can create something lovely for much less and it'll serve your purpose just fine. Sometimes kids ask for the most outlandish things. Mine wanted a Ferrari for Christmas. He got a Wii. Do you think in the grand scheme of things he's going to need therapy because his mama didn't blow her bank account to get him his Ferrari? Give your daughter a lovely cake that isn't $100 and she'll still love you. Leave the rooty toot toot cakes for the Hilton family.