Are you a clean plater?---and what makes it so?!
Answers: I 'm loyol and clean and worth keeping baby
um prolly not since i was recently eaten off of but thats okay cuz i got cascade and thats what makes it so
oh no this prolly means youve used up your questions for the day
=( till next time my squirrely quarry
I am-I grew up poor.
I used to have to join the "Clean Plate Club" when i was a kid... I still am a loyal follower but now I get to say what goes on the plate and how much.
Yes I am and always have been.
But what's rather interesting is that my father is NOT and never HAS been!
yeppers...i love making "happy plates"... :)
Yes - it's something that is instilled in childhood - it's a very hard habit to break. When dieting I put the amount of food I'm going to eat on my plate and put away the rest so I still have this value.
I really try hard at restaurants not to eat my whole meal.