A tin of Quality Street or a tin of Roses?!
Answers: oooh which ones best
roses but am i the only one missing the coffee ones
ROSES!!! =)
Definitely Roses.
Roses, since they have changed them a little, in the past year or so. Don't like all the toffees in Q.S.
Roses.....everyone has had more chocolate in the last month than they'll ever need.
none - give me celebrations or heroes any day!
quality street - defintiel the best
Although the green triangles are lovely in Quality Street, the Cadbury's chocolate in Roses wins every time, except the strawberry and orange creams, but I've trained my children to eat them!
quality street
Quality Street because Roses have changed (they're still okay but they were a lot nicer before)
Roses, mines the strawberry and orange ones. Mmmm!!!
Oh what a predicament. I only like a few out of both kinds. So I buy one of each and eat the best ones myself tee hee hee.
Roses, but I've had enough of them in the last few days. :(
def roses.I love the caramel barrell.Its velvet centre.yum yum
Roses because Cadburys make nicer chocolate than Nestle.
roses much better got more chose
Roses, please
quality street, always had these even as a kid, it's tradition.
i prefer a tin of Celebrations instead
roses. we've got a tin of quality street every week for the last 5 or 6 weeks with our main delivery at work, and i will cry if i see another tin of quality street in the next year :'( (cry or be sick)
Heroes actually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Changed my allegiances this year.
we had both this year & i must admit roses did it 4 me i ended up giving the dog most ov the Q/S
no competition --------roses of course
I have a tin of each but it has to be Roses
Sorry don't like either,now if your talking choccies it has to be Belgian that and beer is something their excellent at !
It's got to be roses. Cadburys chocolate is much nicer than nestle. My favourite selection box has to be miniture heroes though, then roses, then celebrations and quality street come last! Unfortunatly this year we got a big tin of quality street but im sure i'll eat them anyway...it is chocolate afterall!