How many White Castle burgers can you eat in one sitting without getting sick?!
Answers: My wife and i went to St Louis today and on the way home stopped at White Castle because i absolutely love the place. i only had 4 burgers and a chicken sandwich, but i so wanted to go back for me. I really think i could kill a crave case without getting sick.
Those things go through me so fast I stopped eating them. Now I just buy em and throw em in the toilet.
10 Easy....been there, done that....
i live on the west coast. we dont have white castle. we have the west coast version of hamburgers called in-n-out.
They actually do exist!!! Seriously, I thought it was some made up eatery from Harold and Kumar goes to White Castle. I guess it's like an In n' Out. They stick to one side of the country.
12...6 with no onions
i lived in mpls. minn. in the middle sixties,,,white castle was the first stop after the bars closed..i'm sure i ate between 6 and a dozen at a trying to remember how much they cost then,,it wasn't much, much are they now?
Ummm .. one@@
i am not eating castles but eating burgers