Whats a good healthy high fiber food?!
Answers: flaxseed. you will be shi**ing diamond rocks.
Smoothies, apples, Oatmeal, ground Flaxseed,
Lettuce, Leek, carrots, and broccoli.
That's all I can think of.
flaxseed of course
Beans! Lots of fiber, and good for you too.
Gee so many!
Broccoli; asparragus; hearts of palm; beans; lentils; zucchini;
all fruits.
Bread. :D
You could always take that powdered fiber, or fiber pills, though. They are just as healthy as fiber-filled food. And, probably easier than a fiber-diet, if that's what you're doing.
A nice bowl of raisin bran. If you use skim milk you can afford a couple teaspoons of sugar on top. Fiberlicious.
Most fruits and vegetables, oatmeal (any whole grains), flax seed, beans... celery's pretty darned high fiber.
Bread, Bananas. Make some Banana bread! Really any type of whole wheat grains. (Whole wheat cereal, bread, pasta, etc.) if you want fruit try pears. If you want vegetables try some peas.
cereals and outmeal type of foods are high i fiber. also in most fruits but beware if you eat to muche fruit you might have to use the bathroom for a bit. but cereal and fruits have alot of fiber