Why do most people find animal brains disgusting to eat?!
Answers: For example, there are very good recipes with calf or pig brain. I think that saying "eww... gross" is very immature.
most people first eat with their eyes
Some people just arent brain craving zombies I guess
I think "Eww gross" is understandable. The brain has a gross, almost alien-like appearance. It isn't made like the other organs, or like the muscles/fat that people usually eat.
Plus with the function of the brain, it would just feel gross to eat it. It's where thoughts are processed. It's not some replacable organ that merely serves a simple repetitive function.
err Mad cow illness perhaps!
i think it is a culture thing, if you like it go for it just be careful some animal brains are not healthy for humans to eat.
I think it's because it's a very identifiable organ - there's no denying what you are eating. Animal brains look very similar to human ones too, so that could be a factor.
I'm a pretty adventurous eater but I havent tried brains yet - it's near the top of my list of 'things to eat before I die' though - fried and served with buerre noisette would be nice. Apparently the texture is very interesting.