Is this safe? sea-salt?!
(assuming that there would be salt remaining)
Answers: if i went into the ocean and got a bucket of salt-water, then let all the water evaporate, would the remaining salt be safe to consume
(assuming that there would be salt remaining)
Well there is nothing to worry about its completely safe to consume ,since that is exactly how salt originates from the sea,its just that packaged salt goes through so much processing,while koshers salt or sea salt is in its original state or i guess there is no harm in experimenting.
ewww, that gross. All the yucky fish poo will still be left on the salt.
i'd eat it , what little there is
Yes it would be safe, after all salt did originate in some way in water. There are alot of desalinization plants on the ocean, mainly used for fresh drinking water. But a by-product of that process is salt. Now fish poo as one person said would be in such small amounts that it would not hurt you. And unless the water you are using is full of nasty brown impurities there should not be any problem. Hope I helped.
yes, however salt has just been classified as a carcinogenic. So only small quantity's should be consumed.
yeh man its safe.
i use it all the time its awsome