Why pickles doesn't have any calories?!
Answers: I look at a label on a big jar of pickles (cucumbers) and it read 0 calories.
no idea really
they dont have any energy
no sugar used to process them (unless they are sweet pickles of course).
They are mostly water.
Because they and their ingredients have very little calories and therefore can be listed as zero. Sweet pickles such as ''Bread and Butter'' pickles with the additional sugar are another story.
Did it say zero calories from fat? There's no fat in a vegetable. You're likely getting calories from some place else like carbohydrates. This won't come as a surprise but they're also really high in sodium.
salt vinegar and cucumbers have no sugar and no fat therefore have no calories. calories come from sugar fat and protein. However the salt content is high and will make you retain water if you eat too much
beware though dill pickles are loaded with sodium
they have like five calories per like ten sliced pickles...but loaded with salt!!!so that makes you retain water.
they are in vinger
There has to be some sort of calories in pickles. The only true calorie free food is water