How is drinking soda bad for your health?!
I drank 1~2 cans for coke daily for about a year. It was 3 years ago. I don't drink as much anymore, probably once in 2 months.
Does anyone know the serious hazards of it or something about it, what it does to the body?
Answers: I heard of stories where people drink sodas as their daily drink ended up dead. One is, a coffeeshop owner who drinks 6 cans for coke daily for about a year, collapsed and died on the spot.
I drank 1~2 cans for coke daily for about a year. It was 3 years ago. I don't drink as much anymore, probably once in 2 months.
Does anyone know the serious hazards of it or something about it, what it does to the body?
Hey John! Well Soda can cause anything from loss of hearing to blindness. Your eyes get worse if you drink a lot of soda. Even drinking as many as one a day leads to risks such as diabetes and cardoivascular disease. People who drank more than one soft drink a day were 44% more likely to develop metabolic synrome. You probely have no clue what I am saying do ya John?!? Well I will keep going anaway! From consuming all that suger that is in soda, your body craves more and more sweets. As you know this can lead to serious weight condutions. All the extra suger and calories lead up to heart disease risk. ALSO! Cola's contain phosphorus which pulls calcium out of and dissolves your bones. The acid in soda dissolves tooth you can see I have done my research. I have studied this for years cause I am not allowed to have soda.
its bad
All the fizz get the best of
the caffine i bad for your heart and kidneys
it leeches calcium from your bones and the high refined sugar content stresses blood sugar levels which cause diabetes
sugar, e numbers and death juice.
it damages teeth and makes you fat
nope its is not..... dont pay any attention to them..... everithing you do seems to led you to death.... living kills... so , take it easy , of course , dont smoke two packs a day , nor drink 12 cans daily (I know some people who did and didint fell died at once, sodas, i mean ) or eat twice the amount you need . or get drunk every other day .... but ocassionaly its ok to drink a little more than normal....all the cientific garbagge you are going to hear about the sugar , the caffeine is justo to cover up the fear of aging or walking toward death but eventually , and hopefully .... you will get old .... and finish where everyone else do , no matter what you the meantime ... LIVE!!!!
It isn't that harmful. Sugar is obviously not that great for teeth or nutrition, especially the high fructose syrup used in the USA but not elsewhere. The acids also erode bones but for some reason mainly in women.
it isnt,if you drink to will.
I've drinkin at least 5 cans of soda a day for the past 5 years and I'm alive, so f uck all those rumors in the butthole
too much sugar....not good for your body...especially your teeth. you can die for tooth infections if not treated.
i guess it is just unhealthy...also to much liquid in you is bad
To clean ur toliet, jsut empty big bottle of Coke and leave it there for a day, when u flush, ur toliet will be pristine clean. I guess that is why. --S
The upside down guy is right, also, it eats away the enamel on your teeth.
sodas are very high in calories and just like drugs, you get addicted. i think people dying is just a myth, though.
with energy drink, they have a high amout of caffien so yr heart rate increases wich in turn increase other fatile thing so so soads r close to the amount of caffien in energy drinks so that's my view on it
well the acid eats at you and I know that it can clog your arteries, ohh and the sugar, and fat, andd calories make you fat
All the sugar and caffeine can give you diabetes, and a lot of rush . If you continue to drink it will damage your kidneys. Then there is all of the carbonic acid in soda pop that melts limestone in caves and can give you very bad cavities. And it can damage your bladder as well without it having anything to clear it out. It is also very bad for your skin as well.
Soda is acidic and can cause problems like tooth decay and ulcers in your stomach. not sure about these deaths you mention but too much acid in your digestive system can cause health problems, if you are not healthy to begin with or have a pre-existing condition then soda can aggravate it. I drink a lot of soda and am still here ;)
Well, soda has A LOT of sugar in it, and the carbonation erodes enamel on your teeth... I'm pretty sure that drinking crazy amounts of pop can give you diabetes and other major health problems, but, as for dropping dead, I don't know...
It can cause several disease and can speed up several disease effects such as diabetics, blood pressure, heart diseases, cadiovascular problems, ostophoresis, teeth damage, kidney failure, hearing and eye sigh loss, bone disease, mood aleration, depression etc etc etc
Need more?
I don't think it would have serious effects like in those cases. Where did you hear about thoes anyway. What I'm saying is we don't what else was wrong with the people who died, soda could of been a factor but not the end-all.
Drinking A LOT of soda can be harmful, it does have a lot of sugar in it and syrup, well here
Bacisally your body needs
But driking soda gives it the opposite of wat it needs
too much of something it totally dosent need.....
Too much sugar can make your Pancreas become "insulin intolerant" which is what causes Diabetes...
Our pancreas' get "worn out" from all that fructose, sucrose, sugar, and more sugar...(all the "tose's" in chemistry are known generically as "sugars" in a molecular sense...)
An abundance of food (and food is converted to "molecular sugar" inside you) that you don't need to exist is actually "bad" for you for the same reason...
That's why the "optimum" healthy diet is one in which you only consume the amount of food and beverage you actually need to sustain yourself...and no more...
(Unless you're the Eskimos...they need the excess fish oil fat to survive in the cold...)
I"m not an expert, and don't drink soda myself (here in canada it is not near as popular as state side, i never have the stuff in the house and my kids don't even like it. of course, they probably drink too much sweet juice like Fruitopia but thats another story) - but I think the stuff is loaded with refined white sugar - plus whatever chemicals used in manufacturing. Any food whatsoever that is highly processed (most unlike anything found in nature) and contains such high levels of sugar it has got to have the ability to kill you if consumed regularly.
My favorite suggestion ..... drink club soda (no sugar and you get the fizz) mixed with your favorite real fruit juice or just some fresh lime and 1/2 tsp sugar. Not health food drink but certainly better than soda !
it just hs a lot of sugar - and also the sugar it has is all high fructose corn syrup which cannot be used nearly as easily as energy as regular sugar - unless you run a marathon after every can of soda the high fructose corn syrup gets deposited striaght into fat in your body - really abd for you - your body should have that much sugar
also if its diet soda they usually have aspertain or splenda both of wich are bad for you - aspertain is a poisin in high quantities and splenda has been shown to cause cancer if you have to much of it over a period of time and also makes you loose your hair - i have good friends who went bald because they completely substituted splenda for sugar
Diet Coke is poison. And it's addictive, some victims drink several litres a day and keep it on their nightstands. If Coke changes the formula to remove aspartame the world will heal and the surge of hatred and vengeance by the disabled and bereaved shall certainly destroy Coca Cola.
The poison in Diet Coke is aspartame. As a member of the National Soft Drink Association, Coke opposed FDA approval of aspartame for beverages. Their objections, running to several pages published in the Congressional Record of 5/7/85, said aspartame is uniquely and inherently unstable and breaks down in the can. It decomposes into formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, formic acid, diketopiperazine and other toxins. In a study on 7 monkeys 5 had grand mal seizures and one died, a casualty rate of 86%.
if he was drinking 6 cans a day how many other really bad things was he doing to his body? i don't think its was just the coke that killed him