What colors of food coloring make black?????!
Answers: making cut outs for new years need to know please and thank you
blue , green , and red
work with those colors then you'll get it
I don't think you can technically make black food coloring using red, blue, or yellow. You will either end up with really dark brown or purple. You will have to buy already made black food coloring. Black is not on the color wheel, therefore, it cannot be made using primary colors.
two parts bkue, one part red, and one part yellow keep working with it.
they now carry black color in the baking aisle
you won't be able to get a really rich dark black using those little dropper bottles that come four to a box - red, blue, yellow, and green. You need to buy black food coloring. For best results, start with a chocolate dough or icing and add the black color to make it even darker.
I believe equal amounts of red , blue and green should get you black. . .