Milk chocolate or dark chocolate for you?,Ilove the dark much better !!!?!
Answers: My eyes about roll back inside my head when I eat good quality dark is that good!
Both are great...dark is best
Milk Chocolate:)
dark cause is good for your health (*-*)
I like chocolate.
dark by a long shot
I like both. But milk is what i usually prefer.
i like the milk chocolate
Any chocolate is great, but dark is the best!
Dark, Belgian, bittersweet, 70% cocoa, dark chocolate is the only way to go.
Dark is better for you. Antioxidants and some other kind of enzyme that will supposedly help you loose weight. I like the taste of milk better though....:-)
dark is too bitter for my taste, so i go with the milk chocolate
the darker, the better!
any will do :)