Which do you prefer a salty food or a sweet food?!
Answers: sweet food, salty food
whenever i eat something salty i got to have something sweet that goes with it too.
Sweet food-I have a big sweet tooth
I crave sweets more, but when I start eating potato chips, I can't stop.
I crave sweets the most.:)
Salty. I always prefer seconds than dessert.
Both I love chocolate covered pretzels!!!
Although I love salt and cannot eat most foods without it, I would have to say sweet every time!! choc, biscuits, sweets,cake... im afraid i couldnt do without them!!
sweet - can't live without chocolate - in fact just finished eating some...
I like sweets, but I'm going to say salty foods.
for me it really depends on the day, whether i feel like salty or sweet