Fresh figs: FANTASTIC. Why are dried figs so horrible when fresh ones are so lush?!
Also i planted a small fig tree against the south side of my house, and got quite a few succulent figs off it this year.
Answers: I saw today, that Tesco sell frozen figs, I bet they are nice.
Also i planted a small fig tree against the south side of my house, and got quite a few succulent figs off it this year.
no way, fresh or dried it's all good
I am not quite sure about this question. But i hope it gets resolved!!
cause they're DRY
I love the semi-dried figs too.
But you're right - fresh figs are heavenly! They're extra nice when you have grown them yourself!!!
i agree. try fresh figs with prosciutto and goat cheese. mmmm
Fresh figs Dried irdc there all the same to me but i would like to have fresh over dried.
good question but let me aks you this
have you ever had a cheese burger when the meat is raw !
or had a stake with over dose salt and pepper
how the food is treated effects how our tast buds react
lol just st?ck to fresh figs
i l?ke them beter and hate any dr?ed fru?t :P
I thought only monkeys eat figs.
'Cause they're dry? (& probably old) Have had some dried ones that were good , and tasted ~fresh . Probably depends on how dry, & how old . I agree that fresh are better than even good dried ones . You can grow them yourself , even in pots , if it's too cold , or you don't have space .
I like dried figs.
idk. same thing as a grape and a raisen i guess.