Sell By Date Is Dec. 29. Meat still good??!
Answers: I bought some top blade steaks a few days ago and have had them in the fridge. The sell by date is December 29th. I don't plan to use them until tomorrow night (31st) or the night after depending on if he have plans tomorrow night or not. Will they still be good by then?
Yes,it should be just fine as long as it has been properly refrigerated! Since you are using them by the 31st,that shouldn't be a problem just make sure to look at the steaks really good and if they smell funny or look funny whatsoever,DON'T EAT THEM,because that indicates that the steak is indeed expired!
I have seen people at the doctor's office who have eaten food that is way past it's expiration date gotten food poisoning,and it isn't pretty trust me! It sounds like you should be good to go though,just make sure to look it over and smell it to make sure that it doesn't smell bad or look bad,Happy New Year! ;-)
If they have been kept in the fridge, on most things I think it is figured that its good until five days past the sell by date. This does not mean the "Use By" date.
i would check the color and for sure when you open them, the smell...depending on how long they were on the store shelf, they should be just fine, espically since they have been cold. My best friend is a meat cutter and he always tells me you can tell by smell when it is bad, he also says when in doubt throw it out..good luck
Yes. That's only the SELL BY date. They will be good for proabably a week after that. You could also freeze them and keep them for longer than that. they will be fine tomorrow night or the day after. Bon Appetit!
yes, unless they have a smell throw them out
No. Not good to eat food, especially meat that is not fresh. With meat sell by is usually a day or two ahead of use by unless you freeze it.
You are taking a risk, the "sell by" date is there for a reason.
If they had been frozen they would be OK, but not just refrigerated.
Smell it and if it smells like meat it is ok.
If is smells bad don't eat it, throw it out.
It should be ok though.
Make sure you thoroughly cook it just to make sure you kill any bacteria that may be on it.
As long as it was refrigerated and you can also tell if it's started to turn brown. I have used meat after it's turned a little brown with no problems make sure you cook it thoroughly.
smell it ! Always rinse your meat when you take it out of the package, and pat dry with paper towel.
Yes, still good. Cook by 1st.