Who Invented Spaghetti was it the Chinese or the Italians???!
Answers: Many Chinese people claim that they invented spaghetti way before the Italians. I would love to get some opinions from the Chinese and the Italians. Thank You.
Popular legend has it that Marco Polo introduced pasta to Italy following his exploration of the Far East in the late 13th century; however, we can trace pasta back as far as the fourth century B.C., where an Etruscan tomb showed a group of natives making what appears to be pasta.
The Chinese were making a noodle-like food as early as 3000 B.C. And Greek mythology suggests that the Greek God Vulcan invented a device that made strings of dough (the first spaghetti!).
Pasta made its way to the New World through the English, who discovered it while touring Italy. Colonists brought to America the English practice of cooking noodles at least one half hour, then smothering them with cream sauce and cheese. But it was Thomas Jefferson who is credited with bringing the first "maccaroni" machine to America in 1789 when he returned home after serving as ambassador to France.
The first industrial pasta factory in America was built in Brooklyn in 1848 by, of all people, a Frenchman, who spread his spaghetti strands on the roof to dry in the sunshine.
Chinese the use to at noodles b for the italians and the chinese also created pizza
The Italians of course. By Marco Polo. Rumor is that Marco may have copied it from the Chinese but who cares? Us Italians made it a million times better!
Yes, the Chinese invented noodles first. But I think that the Italians did indeed invent Spaghetti. Good question, by the way!
The Chinese were the first to make pasta, but the dish we call spaghetti (pasta with tomato sauce) is definitely Italian in origin.
Chinese are the noodle makers.