I feel really gross eating meat...?!
But I can't just not eating. I can't be vegatarian. I don't even like vegtables. And meat is in like all of my favorite foods.
Is there anything I can do to not think about it or just not feel gross? Thanks
Answers: I feel so nasty just knowing I'm eating something that was living! And that was cute! Yuuck!
But I can't just not eating. I can't be vegatarian. I don't even like vegtables. And meat is in like all of my favorite foods.
Is there anything I can do to not think about it or just not feel gross? Thanks
Just eat the meats that the Bible say to eat. The ones that God approved. Fish and chicken of course are living, but their meat was designed for mankind to partake of. What is gross is the types of meat people eat that are scavenger meats like pork etc that are not meant for man to eat, thus making him ill over time.
How about eating fish. It's very healthy for you and you certainly can't say it grew up cute and cuddly!
make it look pretty.
Try eating legumes (beans), they are a great source of protein. You could also try tofu. It takes on the taste of whatever you are cooking it with. But...everything you are eating was living at one time, even vegetables.
There is nothing wrong with how you are feeling. I am a vegan at heart, but I eat meat. Not as much as I used to, but I still fall off the turnip cart now and then. The animal is gone, there is nothing that can change that, but honor the animal for the sacrifice it made for you. In your own way you can eat more vegetables and fruits, but just when you eat the animal, just dont make yourself feel sick. I will Not eat Veal or Lamb period........thats how I draw the line.
I am not a vegetarian, so am not knowledgeable on diets.
But I also know that you need to try to like or at least eat some vegetables.
There are alternatives to meat for protein. Eggs, cheese and peanut butter come to mind.
I would also try to remember that some animals are bred for one purpose. Weren't we all put here for some reason or the other?
I would suggest doing some research and making your own decision on this difficult subject.
Sometimes, I just love a hamburger though.
i know how you feel cause i feel the same way. but i hate fruits and vegetables too. so if i tried not to eat meat i would only eat junk food. its not easy. just try not to think about it cause i know if i start to then i cant eat anymore of what i am eating. good luck!
try eating different foods.