How long will ground beef stay good in the fridge?!
Answers: How long will ground beef stay good in the fridge. We bought it Saturday and forgot about it, do you think we should toss it?
The health department recommeds storing meat for no more than 7 days at 41 F. No more than 3 days at 45 F. It should not be stored at above 45 F.
A good rule of thumb is to keep meat frozen no longer than 3 months. In a deep freeze, (0 F or below) it should last several years.
your ground beef's longevity will depend on when it was ground up, and the temperature of your refrigerator.
-meat begins to go bad on the outside first. that is where the bacteria have grow. usually a piece of meat has only 6 sides. when meat is ground, there are no longer only 6 sides, but all of the ground meat becomes one big surface for the bacteria to grow. no place is protected as in the inside of the cut of meat.
-the temperature of your fridge determines how fast that process takes place.
-so, it is not an exact science
-by the way, assuming you bought fresh meat, and refrigerated it asap, it should be fine.