Is sugar cane a fruit? if not, what is it?!
Answers: Its really sweer, so i assumed that it was a fruit, but beets are sweet but aren't fruits.
its a perennial grass (plant)... not a fruit or a vegetable...
It's a type of bamboo.
It's a tall grass with a stout jointed stalk and grows in warm tropical regions.
I think it would be classed as some sort of grass
no it's a grass
As stated, it's a type of tall grass. Think of a cornstalk, but without the corn growing on it. The sugar is inside the stalk, basically as its sap (the same way maple syrup is just sugar maple sap with the water boiled out). If you take sugar cane stalk, you can chew on it (it's very fibrous, with a texture like a cross between wood and celery) and you'll taste the sugar in your mouth.
It is a grass..
It is a grass, just like bamboo, which it resembles. The sugar comes from juice/sap extracted from the stalks by crushing. We in the Philippines actually enjoy peeling the sugar cane stalks and munching on them, crushingt he pulp between our teeth and sucking the sweet sap from the pulp.