Weight loss tea.?!
Answers: Whats the best tea to drink for Weight loss?
Green tea!
but thats not gonna cure your weight problem like if u drink green tea the pound wont melt off or anything.
You have to add diet and exercise to the green tea
the green tea will help out.
Green Tea
Green tea, but the effects are not instant. You have to drink it for a prolonged period of time.
i'd have to say green tea...but be careful green tea can dry you out too much. Trust me I kept drinking it then passed out cuz i was so dehydrated!
green tea, oolong, or pu-erh this chinese tea it tastes a little funky but does the job. tea isn't going to magically slim you down, you need to drink it regularly and accompany it with excercise. you can find good weightloss tea as well as green and oolong at www.teaparty.tv