Parents have you bought your young ones a lucky bag from a sweet shop recently?!
Answers: what was in it - was it worth the money
Wow!! That was a trip down memory lane!!! Didn't know you could still get these!! I'll have to keep an eye open for them!! I can remember these as a kid, and it was always exciting to see what was in the bag!!! I bet there's not as much in them now!!
no i dont have children
havent seen a lucky bag for years - my kids used to love them - its not so much if the contents were good value - its whether the enjoyment is good value
Yeah it was worth the money ( cola bottles, gums, etc ) but the sweets I loved as a kid were missing ( chelsea whoppers carmel chews etc )
yes i got a transformers one for my little boy there not worth the money he got a little colouring book 3 crayons a bag of sweets a lollipop and a poster it kept him quiet for 5 Min's
Yeah they are rubbish now compared to what they were when i were a lass,tiny colouring book three crayons a lollipop two chews
yes my daughter loves them but no they are not worth the money last one she had was a barbie one it had a ugly hair scrunchie,stickers,a lolly and a packet of jellies that looked as if they had been there for years and she must have agreed as she never opened them they went in the bin,but she will still ask for one the next time she sees them.
No, I don't go into candy stores so I asked my kids if they ever bought themselves one and neither of them had a clue what I was talking about. :-?
Used to love them as a kid and bought them for my own kids.
They are a bit too old for them now.
I didn't know they were still in the shops.
no lucky bag is worth it .its full of cheap sweets and cheep pops .they should make a healthy lucky bag