Whats your favorite Candy ?!
Answers: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups...........thats just for this month because my taste change so much (plus there are LOTS of gooed ones out there).
Sweet Tarts!
good n plenty
sweet tart squeeze
fun dip
nerds..grape is best! lol
panty candy
Midnight milky way
and gummy coke bottles.
SOUR BELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anything with chocolate in it.
m and ms
sour ju jubes and licorice
crazy dip..
strawberry or cherry..
I like lollipops , they don't go away in your mouth that fast.
Heath Bars...well anything with Toffee in it
Happy Cola.
3 musketeers mi0nt .....there the best!!!!!!!!!!11
i don't have one i hate candy
thai and pinay girls:)
Almond Toffee by Entmans . . . WOW!
If I have to go mainstream, I'd say Butterfinger or Heath Bar.
carmel chocolate hershey kisses!
I love turtles!
It depends, I like so much ginger chocolate cookies.
See you!
Reeses peanut butter cups.
rocky road