Is it healthier to eat the skin on a cooked jacket potatoe or just leave it?!
Answers: wierd question i know
As far as I can gather there are conflicting thoughts on this. Some people say that the skins may contain pesticide residues the harm of which will outweigh any possible health benefits, the organic growers say that because the skins are so beneficial to health this is a reason for buying their potatoes so that you can eat the skins without worrying about pesticides, others say that the skins are so nutritious as to outweigh any possible pesticide effects, the pesticide will be in the rest of the potato a bit as well and wonder if pesticides have actualy been proved to be that harmful anyway, and there are yet others who say that the main nutrients are actually just under the skin and not in it....................
I usually therefore just compromise and eat them if I feel like it and I haven't burnt them too much, and other times I don't.
Healthier to eat the skin.
i think skin has fiber. I like the skin...I eat it last with ketchup!
eat it its the fiber provider
The skin is the healthiest part, it has lots of fibre in and the most vitamins. Always make sure u eat it!
eat the skin the potato inside the skin nothing but starch and carbs the skin has more of the nutrinets and many people think thay tast better
Its healthier to eat it!
I usually eat the skin because I think it has more nutritional value. It's weird, I know, but I like it with A-1 sauce.
the skin has fiber and more vitamins than the interior
she skin has a huge nutrional value, it has alot of vitamins and minerals from the soil it was grown in. and besides! it's yummy!
It is good to eat the skin as all the vitamins are just under the skin off all veg.
Even so, It's the best part !Yum
Eat it!!! the fibre is very good for you - and tasty!! Yum Yum!