How much is a cup?!
Answers: I hate how measurements are taken in cups. Do I just use a regular cup to MEASURE the stuff? Like any cup??? Because for this cereal its suppose to be 3/4 cup but that's not much cereal!!!!!!!!!
lol 3/4 cup isnt supposed to be alot of cereal. thats why its called DIet Special K. If you were to eat like a huge bowl twice a day you wouldnt loose too much weight would you? :P
a cup has 8 oz, a coffee or tea cup usually has between 4 or 6 oz.
a cup is a measurement not a cupful of any size
16 tablespoons equals a cup
and im pretty sure 3 teaspoons equal a tablespoon so 36 teaspoons equal a cup
Ok listen to yourself first. You're measuring......for cereal. But, fine I guess some people are perfectionists. Anyway, you'll want to buy a standard measuring cup if you don't already have one. Then just fill it up so it's half full and then take that measurement of half (or 50%) and divide THAT by half (25%) and add that to your 50% (to equal 75% or 3/4). That should give you the amount you need.
one cup equals eight ounces.
Youre right. 8 oz. of cereal is not a lot. For dieting purposes you should use an accurate measure. Don't cheat. Your diet wont work. You can go to walmart and get a cup size measuring cup.
A cup for measurement in cooking is 8 oz.
They are not speaking of a coffee cup/container.
liquids in a glass measure. solids in a metal cup that can be leveled. If you need 3/4 precisely for a recipe, then use 1/2 and 1/4 metal cups and level them. If this is dietary, then just eyeball it. If it is MY breakfast, I pour a bowl full!
Use any cup Size only matters if it's Godzilla.