Why aren't all foods organic?!
Why do we use the term "organic foods" to mean food not treated with chemicals?
Answers: The word "organic" means "characteristic of, pertaining to, or derived from living organisms". Therefore all food (animals and plants) are organic.
Why do we use the term "organic foods" to mean food not treated with chemicals?
"Organic" is a word that has several different definitions, and it is this that has caused the confusion which has built up with the growing popularity of organic farming.
Collins English Dictionary begins (more or less word-for-word) with the definition you have quoted. However, it also includes the definition "of, relating to , or grown with the use of fertilizers or pesticides deriving from animal or vegetable matter."
The definition problem that concerns you also applies to bagged compost sold at garden centres, and for the same reason.
A decade or more ago, 'organic compost' simply meant 'compost with only vegetable or animal-origin ingredients'. As opposed to 'inorganic fertilizers' which are of mineral or synthetic origin. Now, if you go to a garden centre in the UK, you'll find that composts are being sold as 'organic' meaning that they're approved for organic growing practises (according to guidelines from the Soil Association or similar).
It's unlikely that a new term will be found for 'organic farming'. It's one of those illogical expressions, like 'chemical-free' (when every substance around us is a chemical of one sort or other). In the end, the most important thing is that the two definitions are understood as separate things. Your question is a great way of making people focus on that!
diffrent ingrediants
too much high demand
cause of greed. chemicals used are their to make profits bigger, that is why animals like chickens get treated so bad, men r heartless.
I guess they mean to say that everything is derived from living organisms. I don't know. I don't like English. Let's all speak German.
Because the majority of people are stupid here in Australia a have seen an advert selling bottled water as the only accredited organic agent , work that one out
Because people think adding chemicals to food is a better way......
yes we use the term for natural healthy foods but the government is only interested in working in partnership with pharmeceutical companies to make more money so food corporations make addictive food with lots of additives to keep us sick and addicted to the food so the food companies make more money and we become sick so the pharmaceuticul companies give us medicine that makes us more sick to keep us coming back to make more money its all about the money
because the pesticides and fertilizers aren't "organic" so they cant be considered organic seen as the food absorbs the chemicals, therefore, not all ingredients are organic!
The term organic used in food are the one that grown naturally without fertilizers and genetic alterations that is why it has a short shelf life. Your understanding is literal based on dictionary. Some terms are technical in nature can only be used in specific application in technical point of view.
Not everybody can afford organic food here in England, everything is so expensive that not many people can afford to pay £20.00 or $40.00 for a slab of meat every day! Thats why not all food is organic. But I have to say my mum gets organic food all the time!
The phrase "organic foods" is a specific application of usage to indicate that the product has not been modified or treated with artificial fertilisers, chemicals, etc.
Organic foods are produced according to certain production standards. For crops, it means they were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. For animals, it means they were reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified (aka transgenic).
Increasingly, organic food production is legally regulated. Currently, the United States, the European Union, Japan and many other countries require producers to obtain organic certification in order to market food as organic.
The "organic" movement is a bit like religion - based on blind superstition and little, if any, scientific fact. Of course ALL food is organic. Terms like 'artificial' and 'chemical' are used to foster a world wide industry and to justify flying foodstuffs half way round the globe. The word 'organic' is rendered even more idiotic when if the food that I eat isn't 'organic' it must be inorganic.
It must be remembered that, by definition, half the world's population has an IQ below 100.
Because by adding certain chemicals to there feed , they be come double or treble in size , which would alter their original state, size, and taste, there for it be comes none organic ,ie other then it's original self , looses it's character
Organic foods are foods that have not been sprayed and/or enhanced so that they look better or are bigger than they should be. Organic foods are natural and have not been stuffed with. That is why they are usually more expensive than food you would buy at the shop. You can go to special organic food shops to find organic food. Even when chemicals have been added to the food it usually doesn't taste as good as organic food 'real food'. Organic usually means the food has not been changed in any chemical way before its sale. =)
You're trying to use one of the dictionary definitions for the word "organic" to define ANY meaning of the word. For commercial food production purposes, the label "organic" has strict guidelines.
To be labeled "organic", foods are produced according to certain production standards. For crops, it means they were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. For animals, it means they were reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified.