What happened to the 'FABIO' cake car advertised on TV.?!
Answers: On Sky TV you see an advert where chefs make up a car, what did they do with it, or was it just a bit of a gimick
It was all actually, really baked. With real cake!
There's a wonderful video documentary about the whole Skoda Fabia car-baking thing at http://www.newfabia.co.uk/ -- I'm sitting here watching it with a huge grin. Gimmick? Maybe, but what an original one! =D
And as to what happened afterwards? Well, sadly, after all that time (days, not hours) under studio lights it was deemed unsafe to eat, so the bulk of it ended up being composted. However, some parts were kept, including the marzipan wing-mirrors and chocolate speedo.
me and my boyfriend ate it
It was consumed with jealousy
The Fabio car, was a Skoda.
there was a TV news report on this in the south east where the cake was made it was going to be given to a hospital but they realised that by the time they finished filming it for the commercial under the hot lights it was not fit for consummation so i believe it was destroyed
The car was composted, I heard it on the radio. It would have been hanging around anyway so why not?
I ate it!..not really I think it is one of there gimicks.