I'm covered in chocholate.....?!
Answers: I'm covered in chocholate and peanut butter and jelly(from head to toe) and I think my moms coming home in like 2 seconds....what do I do!
Jump in the loaf!She'll neva find you there..and you'll make a tasty sarnie! lol
uh....take a friggin shower dude.
Ha Ha that's a little weird but hop in the shower!!
nah just leave it....it'll be hella funny when she see's you like that.
give her a big hug !
nothing, cuz if you are...your moms gonna beat it off of you.
take 2 big pieces of cardboard's shape it like bread & get between them & look like A sandwitch
Shower, is probably the best answer... It's not like she's going to come in to see what your up to... I do have to give you cutoes for creativity!!! What game were we playing?!?
Whoa, dude, way too kinky for me!
Just hope and pray that she doesn't see you covered in chocolate and peanut butter and jelly! ;-)