Is Kosher food more expensive?!
Answers: Im not Jewish, but i just learned how Kosher food makes sure the animal is taken care of properly, and killed in a way it doesnt suffer etc. so I want to start eating Kosher food. Any input appreciated so long as its not rude. Thanks!
unfortuantely in this world of the .99 cent double cheeseburger, eating healthy is far more expensive than eating sensibly, I think it is great that you are viewing different (possibley better) ways to eat.....just know there is a price to pay for having a conscience
yes, it's more expensive.
it's blessed by a Jewish priest also.
my grand parents are jewish. it is a little more expensive but not to bad. in most grocery stores there are kosher sections but not usually a whole lot of selection. i found kosher food good but bland to an extent if thats what you want.
Yes and no. Many product like crackers and cookies or whatever are kosher anyway. Now meats have stricter guidelines so those would be more expensive. Halal is similar to kosher in the process so if you are operating for a humane perspective Halal meats are good too.
Yes, I eat kosher food all the time and in comparison with similar foods, it is about 20-30% more expensive but worth it.
acually kosher means that it meets the standards of jewish dietary laws....but no it is not more expensive
Yes, they always have to charge a bundle. By the way, The word is Rabbi, not priest (thats Catholic)
a good kosher cheesecake is,but hey,it's a good cheesecake.