What are All the flavors of ramen noddles?!

Question: Name ALL the flavors of ramen noddles i only know of beef,chicken,and shrimp. Also name your favorite flavor of ramen noddles. My favorite flavor is chicken. Thank you!!!

Answers: Name ALL the flavors of ramen noddles i only know of beef,chicken,and shrimp. Also name your favorite flavor of ramen noddles. My favorite flavor is chicken. Thank you!!!

Beef, chicken, shrimp, oriental, roast chicken, roast beef, lime shrimp, pork, chicken mushroom, and I think there is one called hot and spicy. I like the roast beef or roast chicken the best!!

Oriental (?!)
Vegetable (hard to find)

chicken terayaki, pork, hot n spicy, shrimp, chicken, vegetable beef, mushroom

Hell, uh (lol.) Let me see. Uh (lol.)

This is strange become some LOSER was just asking me about the 31 flavors @ Baskin Robins. I said so what's it like to be in hell (me and her knew that hell is a state of being in this life (lol.)) So she was like, "it's real HOT!" I said, "What the hell (lol?)"

Only Ramen I know is HOT SPICY (lol.)

Pete ("What the hell?")

They have beef, chicken, shrimp, greens, tuna, and fruit. My favorite is the chicken because I love chicken and hate those vegetarians and vegans. Don't you? Ew and have you tasted their cookies :( It's just an accident waiting to happen.

there is a spicy flavored one =] i fount it at walmart there is also lime with shrimp i think =]

but normally i just get the oriental and make some flavors of my own

like i add hot sauce to my ramen noodles, or i might add very very little butter and some lemon juice or something

maybe even add a little ranch dressing

i dunno....but i love ramen noodles and i make up my own

but my fav. is the spicy flavored one

Nissin Foods now have new flavours:
Chow Mein, Chow Pasta, Souper Meal

I usually don't use the seasoning packs. I either use them to make a quick baked spaghetti or I just top it with salsa and cheese and eat. When I do use the seasoning pack I add butter to it while it cooks. It's delicious. The butter makes it creamy. I usually get the chicken flavor.

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