Do you put salt on your fruit?!
Answers: My dad always puts salt on his watermelon, apples, and grapefruit. I find this really gross and i thought it was weird, but the other day i was at one of my friend's house and she put salt on her apples too!! I was just wondering how common this you put salt on your fruits? and if so, which ones?...Doesn't it ruin the whole sweet fruity taste?
I salt oranges and watermelon. When I salt watermelon I also add paprika and lemon. Try it :)
yes i do, salt allows electrolytic reactions in the mouth enabling a complete enjoyment of flavors to be identified by the toungue and sent to the brain, try some salt on your fruit and on you pb&js too.
I salt my watermelon and apples...not the grapefruit though.
i've never heard about that before
but i do put salt on cherries & watermelon(:
oh yeah & grapefruits too!
i think its gross too but about half my family does it, they say its to balance out the sweet taste, most of the ones that do that are people that dont realy like sweet things too much so i think it has to do with that.
I personaly do it when I eat mangos, oranges, an grapefruit... Is very common especialy with citrus fruits... Not very popular when the fruit is fairly sweet.
I put salt on oranges.
I don't, but my husband puts salt on EVERYTHING he eats. (including fruit)
I put salt on some fruits like cherries and oranges. But I like I perfer most of my fruits to be naturally sweet.
Only on Granny Smith apples, but in the area where I live, salting melon is very popular-don't care for it myself.
I try my best not to put salt on anything, its so bad for you. there is already so much salt in foods. My grandmother puts salt on her watermelon tho. personally i do think it will destroy the sweetness taste
Although I have used salt on apples and peaches, I found that pepper, yes, black pepper is what should be used. It heightens the sweetness, try it sometime.
salt on watermelon can actually make it more sweet. I've never tried salt on anything else, at least not plain. In Southeast Asian and South American cultures, it's not uncommon to use salt and something spicy on sour fruit. It makes for an interesting (and potent) flavor combination.
We put salt on our watermelon. I use to put a little salt on apples.
some people do on watermelon, but i think it's nasty!
Oh yes! I put salt on apples & pinapple
Salt will bring out the sweetness in some fruits. This is especially true of watermelon. This is also true of some cooked fruits such as rhubarb, and some berries that you would use in cobblers. Not weird really, my Mom does it too.
Cooking or baking with fruits, always use alittle salt , h2omellon is the only fresh raw fruit I've used salt on.
I've seen it done -- better never tried it. I hate fruit (it's seriously my least favorite food group.) I think it's because it's too watery or sour. I'll have to see if salt does it better.
eeewww no my family does they put salt,and lemon
Tomatoes. They're a fruit. I seldom use salt anyway.
i put lime salt on green apples
I've never even heard of people doing this before now. Sounds rank as. It'd make the fruit taste all sour wouldn't it? Ewwww....
Fruit is nice and healthy on its own. Don't have salt too often or you'll end up with health problems.
Ewww... no. But, salt on apples isn't that bad....hmmmm...
Sometimes.. especially if I'm eating pineapples, green mangoes or grapefruit. <*-*>
Yes, especially a fresh fruit salad. I like salt on Granny Smith apples for munching.
A little salt hightens the flavour, and in the salad I also add a little black cracked pepper.
I have put salt on watermelon, cantelope and apples before. I no longer use salt. I have discovered how good foods taste without it. Salt can enhance some foods, yes, but use it very sparingly if you do.
I'm like your Dad, I like salt on watermelon, grapefruit and lemons and peaches.