Do you like lemons and salt?!
Answers: i love lemons and salt. i like lemonade too.i also like to play the guitar with my sister.dudes have peace in the world.dudes i love lemons and salt because people make wierd faces dudes. -peace-
hi mousy i love lemons and salt and i also love to play guitar with boo too.i love you mousy.
Only with tequila!!!!
never tried it. it sounds like a lemon would be more bitter with salt.
You should write a song about lemons and salt- oh and tequila.... and have a great groovy guitar solo!
You're ummmm..... interesting.
I once enjoyed lemons & salt, but I grew out of it. I imagine you will too, eventually.
lemons and salt are good for one thing - tequila
I love lemons and salt,,,,I also put salt on my watermelon, oranges and apples...I play fingerstyle and blues we have something in common.....lemons and guitars.....
does it come with tequila? then............YES