Whats the best food to eat at 4:00am?!
Answers: whatever fits in your mouth
Cheese burger and french fries or a grilled cheese and ham sandwich with french fries. I love greasy food in the middle of the night.
PB&J or cereal or eggs
fruit <3... and vegetables
Taco Bell!
milk and bread is better food to take early morning
a peanut butter, jelly, cheese, banana, bologna sandwich
Something light so as not to disrupt your sleep/wake cycle too much. Toast lightly buttered with thinly sliced cucumber?
Some leftover chinese BBQ Chicken with noodles. I just ate that actually!
Something light. Maybe a cup of milk with a handful or two of your favorite cereal.
chicken noddles soup wit a soda on the side! lol
if you stayed up till 4.a.m
- burger king upsized
if you just woke up
- kellogg's nut crunch with full-cream milk top with chocolate whipped cream and banana with nutella or just banana
I just ate a banana, and it is 4:20 am here!
In the US: Taco Bell
In the UK: kebabs
In Hong Kong or Japan: noodles
In sub-Saharan Africa: Bugs
I like to have breakfast, Bacon and eggs, with toast and coffee. Oh and some hash browns.