What is the best ice cream flavor in the world?!
i know this is random..but have some fun
Answers: also include what brand.
i know this is random..but have some fun
My husband would say Chocolate Chip from Baskin Robbins, because of the tiny, almost shaved off pieces of chocolate chip.
My personal favorite is Cake Batter ice cream from Marble Slab. Add some colored sprinkles and I am having a party! From the grocery store, my perfave would have to be Bryers Mint Choc Chip. I love it with a squirt of whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce.
Sadly, we are both watching our calories so we don't get to enjoy it that often these days, but sometimes we will give the kids and ourselves a treat. Now that I am talking about it, it might be tonight! You got me craving it now. . .
cookie dough...or cookies and cream
Neopolitan, and you can find that in any brand, and Breyers I think has Bubble gum flavored, my favorite is Superman, and in Columbus, Indiana the only place you can find that is Kroger and it's the Kroger brand.
Blackcurrant sorbet
Blue Bell's Banana Pudding
Mint chocolate chip......
cookie dough.
Mint choc chip YUM!!!
yogurt and such......chocolate with cookie dough bits
Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. Yum!
friendly's brand Mint Chocolate Chip!!!!!!!!
which is also a very fun word to say: m-a-n-g-o
Blue Bell's homemade vanilla
Rocky Road
Hershey's Cotton Candy or Turkey Hill Chocolate Marshmellow
It has got to be Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie. Anything extra chocolatey would qualify to be the best ice cream flavour ever!