How Do You Make The Perfect Meal?!
Answers: How do you prepare 3 meals per day containing all the nutrition your body needs?
With my fingers crossed.
I follow the food pyramid and ensure I include all 5 groups in the daily plan.
Everyone in the family has to enjoy their food.
I make a 5 day plan ahead of time. For example if Chicken is the protein on a Monday, I ensure that I cook enough for lunches on the Wednesday and so forth. I prepare as many vegetables in advance & pack in plastic bags & that includes the breakfast eggs served on the weekend and if the eggs are being boiled I make extra for egg salad sandwiches on the Tuesday.
I must have a plan, 3 meals a day for 4 people + snacks. No stress allowed.
I have worked at this for a few years now as I am diabetic and have taken the opportunity to attend the diet clinics with dieticians & nutritionists. Those in the family that like gravies & sauces & dressings can have what they want and I can have as little or as much as I can to keep my blood sugar down as well as my cholesterol without having to take medication.
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