Is it true they put rodent hair in chocolates and other food we buy?!
Pet food is a hundred times worse.
Answers: If you actually knew what went into processed food, you probably wouldn't eat it.
Pet food is a hundred times worse.
yes i know isnt it gross
beats pubic hair
Doh!! That's silly. Of course they don't. That isn't to say that some get in through processing, but they don't 'put them in there'.
I like to say NO. I have however always heard that there is.
IDK but I hope not, cuz if so, THAT"S GROSS
otherwise the food would fall apart. The hair fibers hold everything together.
But not to worry, the hairs are commercially sterile and O so yummy.
not all places.particular places
really ??? I wonder why..
I have heard that it is acceptable for a small percentage of it in all sorts of items,especially cereal.
Hush, hush don't let *them* know that you know!
they jus say that so children stop eatin chocolate
Well atleast I don' think soo...
But i'm nt sure :(
Look it up in wikipedia
But mostly they don't....
I asked my sister she said that they put it in dark chocolates... not that much in normal milk chocolates...
It gives a better taste she says...
tip: rodent hair is yuckyy!! I will stop eatin chocolate now lol
Yes the rodents hair give the chocolates a better flavor especially the dark chocolates.
Too many Ronald Dahl books if u ask me!
They don't put it in there on purpose... Unless you are talking hot dogs. The FDA allows for a small percentage of foreign matter in all food products. This includes meats, cheese, candy, breads and everything you consume.
If the amount of rodent droppings in say a snickers bar exceed the allowed amount the bars will be pulled from the shelves and Mars will be fined.
Well, I certainly hope not.
I smell a rat!
i knew a guy who worked in a pepper factory he said pepper is around 1/3 rat droppings they get into factories evry where i suppose its somthing that comes with a garentee with out knowledge
Yes and if you eat peanut butter you can look at the contents label--"inert matter" is everything , yes and that includes everything but peanuts. the worst offensive product in my opinion is "bacon"--when you hit an unchewable piece--it's rodent bones--your asking I'm telling--
Yes, but only from the finest pure bred Norwegian rats. They are raised, catered to, brushed and shampooed. Norwegian rats have a soft silken fur that blends well with both Belgian and French chocolates giving them that distinctive creamy texture. Mass produced chocolates from candy companies like Hershey and Mars tend to use domestic mice that's why their chocolates just don't come up to a level with the true chocolatiers of the world.
They don't intentionally do it, but there are standards, and as long as they meet the standards, they can let a few slip by. It's impossible for a factory of the magnitude not to have rodents
it's not true,where u get the info? as far as i know they have the QC check b4 it's sold in the market.
"They" don't "put" rodent hair in things we consume. It occurs naturally. There are bug parts in food stocks also. Ever heard of a fly in your soup. Agriculture is dependant upon the spreading of seeds by insects and mammals, it just happens that all the impurities can't always be filtered out.
they don't put it in on purpose, but such things (including allowable amounts of insect parts, etc) end up there because these critters are everywhere and especially in food processing facilities.
check out the FDA regulations on PPM's (parts per million) for these ingredients.
bon appetite!