Have you tried Rabbit Meat?!
Answers: I am just wondering how many people have had rabbit meat and if you did how was it cooked? I am also wondering if anyone feeds it raw to their dogs? If you do how do you have it cut up? Or do you feed it????
I love rabit meat!!!
Im a chef so I prepare it and eat it different ways.
One way is browning it in a herber butter with a little oil added and then finishing it off in the oven with roasted root vegitables.
My dad ate rabbit meat.........loved it. I never could get past the bunny image.
My mom would boil the meat and then chop it up. She added spices (sage, and I don't know the others) and made a patty out of it and fried it like hamburger. It's probably what some call rabbit sausage. My dad ate squirrel the same way.
As for the animals eating it raw. my outside cat was an awesome hunter. She ate birds, rabbits, moles , mice, and chipmunks.......all raw, all including the bones, fur, everything. She died at the age of 20. On the flip side, I wouldn't feed it to my in-house dog. We just don't give her natural bones. And I would worry it would upset her digestive system and make a mess for me to clean up!
nope. i never tried it...
i know that somewhere in europe, people eat rabbit meat.
I have eaten rabbit on two occasions. It is quite tasty but depends on how it is prepared.
No, don't feed anything raw to your dogs!!!
Rabbit is rodent.
Rabbit is not kosher.
rabbit meat is the most tasties meat you ever it.. main reason is that rabbit eat only grass.. hence their meat is very tasty
Many cultures eat rabbit. It can be prepared several ways, but as with all meat, can be tough. It can have a "gamie" taste, so usually requires time in a marinade or brine. I agree you should never feed raw meet to your animals. I know rabbit feces can carry a parasite dangerous to dogs. I would ask your vet before feeding to any animal. Other than that, enjoy
It tastes like chicken...it is tougher though. Rabbit and dumplings is mighty fine. Sure...it is fine to feed it to your dog, if your dog is used to raw meat. If it is not used to it...it might make your dog throw up.Country dogs hunt, and they will kill a rabbit and eat it. They will also eat any meat they catch (squirrel,rats,birds).
I've had rabbit meat, I believe we cooked it in a crock pot. It tastes great! However i would not recommend giving raw meat to your dogs..at least cook it a little.
I have eaten many bunnies in the past-roasted, stewed and fried. They are yummy-why would anyone waste that good meat feeding it to dogs? Give them the possum!
I would point out to several people that a dogs natural diet would consist at least partly of not only raw but unskinned and ungutted rabbits.
Yeah i've eaten it plenty of times Ive also eaten Bambi (Venison) and Rattlesnake
when i was a kid we ate rabbit at least twice a week usually in a stew but if we had enough we would have one each roasted! I don't feed my dog raw rabbit but if she catches one she will eat it given the chance