What part of a cow is hamburger meat from?!
Answers: Tell me!
Unless it is specified as ground chuck or ground sirloin, then it can come from anywhere. Originally it was the cutoffs from making trimmed meat parts look nice plus those parts that were less likely to sell. Fat may vary from 7% to 25% and labels usually show this.
the leftovers all mixed together!
the as*
Much of it is from the rump, but hamburger can come from any part of the cow. It's usually made from the trimmings when roasts and steaks are cut.
the *** & intestines
who knows its all growned up it could be anything.
the middle part of course silly. if it was from the outside where would we get shoes from?
Different parts - that's why some is ground chuck, some is ground round, and some is ground sirloin.
All of it, they usually use canners & cutters. Old worn out cows, infertile cows, bulls and other animals that don't meet the standards for USDA beef.
Basically any muscle tissue can be ground up and made into hamburger. The best is ground steak, such as ground round, which is from the large muscles in the legs or rump.
All the trimmings and extras from the beef once you cut them all.
I am pretty sure the rear-ish part
its not a cow its cat
its made out of the left overs from the meat beside the ribs and stomach
It's the leftovers .. scraps ... that's why it is ground.
Yummm !
Just about all parts, plus the hamburger you but today is many cows all ground up together.
The really tough parts I betcha.
I agree with Gary; I think it is a mixture of everything left after the steak portions have been cut.
A hamburger (or simply burger) is a sandwich that consists of a cooked patty of ground meat that is fried, steamed, grilled, or broiled, and is generally served with various condiments (ketchup, mustard, lettuce and relish) and toppings inside a sliced bun, often baked specially for this purpose. The meat patty is beef, unless otherwise noted.
Hamburger also refers to the cooked patty of ground meat by itself.The patty alone is also known as a beefburger, or burger. Hamburger is actually a distinct product from ground round and other types of ground meat. However, ground beef of any form is often commonly referred to as "hamburger." A recipe calling for 'hamburger' (the non-countable noun) would require ground beef or beef substitute- not a whole sandwich. The word hamburger comes from a place called Hamburg (either in the United States or Germany: see below), and does not refer to ham.
All the trimmings after the big cuts are made is usually ground for hamburger.
You can buy a grinder and grind your own steaks into hamburger or have a butcher shop custom grind for you.
Every part of the cow... actually it is generally a steer.
The bits that don't make it into a proper cut, like a roast, steak or ribs are all ground up together along with a percentage of fat to create the hamburger...
For eating purposes eat as lean as possible ground beef.
it depends - alot of flank , chuck and sirloin
the dic
Ground Chuck is from the hind section. Ground round and sirloin are from the middle. The chuck is the most flavorful hamburger. Round and Sirloin are more costly but in my opinion they create a dryer burger with less flavor. The chuck has more fat and is higher in calories however.
Every part they can't sell for a higher price;-}
i.e. steaks, roasts, shoulder, rump, ribs, etc.
Most common parts are chuck, sirloin and round. Check out the following image to find out where those parts come from, if you're not sure:
left ower meat from after the taking out the good parts of the cow
believe me isn't the from t bone....
depends on whether it is ground round, ground sirloin, ground chuck or just ground beef.
The Kroger stores here have ground beef trimmings which consist of anything they can trim off bones. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so good, but it's a lot cheaper.
Depends of the quality of the establishment you buy your burgers from. Cheap burgers are literally the scrappings up that are left minced and reformed this has even included ofal as this was how BSE / CJD got into the human food chain.
A really good burger could be minced fillet steak.
Basically if it is Macky D's don't do it!!!
Depends entirerly on the butcher. Hamberger is just any beef that is ground up. I have known a farmer that had the whole cow ground up.
Hamburger meat comes from "spent" dairy cows from factory farms- or dairy cows that no longer "produce" milk and are thus no longer profitable for the dairy company. Usually by the time these cows reach slaughter, they have mastitis and are extremely diseased and weak.
Most commercial hamburger patties usually consist of "leftovers" - the anus, the intestines, pulvarized bones, and skin and a whole lot of chemicals to preserve it!