I'm hungry what showed i eat?!
Answers: ...
mikes giant pizza with olives,ground beef, Canadian bacon, and sausage, with some water so it wont be so unhealthy....lol
we dont know we u freakin have in ur home to eat! go to taco bell or a food court nearby!
anything you want and you spelled 'should' really bad...
an orange those are yummy
a sandwich, an apple, or chow mein
well i dont know what you have in your house but like go to toco bell i think its the best thing in the world
If you're on a diet, try some fruit or a low carb granola bar. If you aren't, then eat something with low acidity so that when you finally decide to go to sleep you won't get a stomach ache, but don't eat too much of anything.
A Dictionary.... Showed=Should
To answer your question properly, I will suggest an apple and some yogurt =)
you should eat healthy stuff like: fruit ,veggies,or make something on your own
DRINKS: honey water, milk, juice, limenade
i didnt know you could eat a shower!!!
I don't if I want to laugh or cry on your Q or the As above me. lol <*-*>